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Dnešní datum: 23. 03. 2025, 12. týden roku
Kategorie: 2017/18 archiv

Anglie - pátek 25. 5. 2018



On Wednesday we visited Dartmoor - a big National park.

There were rocks, wild animals and lots of grass.

It all looked a bit like savannah. Dartmoor is also famous for its 

horses, because this breed is very rare and is not found everywhere.

We had a nice walk there, we were brave and climbed a huge rock.

The view was breathtaking. It was really windy out there but it was worth it.

Then we went to a small village called Widecombe. We got some free time there, 

so some of us went to taste the famous cream tea. Others were playing

some games. Around five o' clock we got on the bus and headed back to our

host families. It was a really nice trip.


                                                Written by Emilie Mutombo and her classmates.


Many greetings from Torquay


                                                            teachers and pupils

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