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General information in English

Leaflet about the school
The school offers:

  • an aesthetic environment, a constructive and friendly ambience
  • a wide range of sports activities, floorball is the most successful
  • teaching in the own school curriculum at level 1 (primary education) and at level 2 (lower secondary education)
  • observance of the Healthy School Programme and its three principal tenets: Comfortable Environment, Healthy Teaching and Open Partnership
  • intemational cooperation with several European schools (a German gymnasium, a Polish school, a Swiss school and involvement in the intemational Socrates - Comenius project twice: cooperation with Italian, Spanish, French, Greek and Norwegian schools)
  • taking part in project Superclubsplus (cooperation via internet with schools around the world, for example Australia, Kenya, UK etc.)
  • a native English teacher in the education - English conversation, English from the first grade (compulsory from the second), the second language in the seventh grade
  • assistance for pupils with learning disabilities
  • modem computer equipment, including the Internet
  • individual work with gifted pupils - the chance to take part in competitions cooperation with neighbouring schools, parents and local organizations
  • extended school trips to the countryside and skiing courses
  • a wide range of optional subjects including German and Spanish language, offer Russian
  • a high standard of school facilities, stable and qualified teaching staff
  • the opportunity of taking part in the school's 'pupil parliamenť
  • several years of charity activities, Distance Adoption in particular
  • presentation in the general public
  • qualified assistance in the field of guidance counselling and career choice involvement in public events for parents and others, especially at Christmastime and at the end of the school year

Rudná is a municipality of approximately 5000 inhabitants located on the outskirts of Prague. It is easily accessible from the city thanks to very good bus and train services. The nearest metro station, Zličín, is just five kilometres away.
The primary school in Rudná is situated in a large complex in the town centre. It comprises three main buildings; the oldest one was opened on 4 September 1967 and the more modem addition was put into use on 20 January 2003. The most modern part was built thanks to European grant and was opened in September 2010.
The school currently has 24 classes from grades one to nine and seven sections of a school club. There are 34 classrooms, including three modem language rooms with audio equipment, two computer rooms with about 50 computers, a gym and a workshop. All the school's computers are part of a network connected to the Internet.
In the last few years, the number of pupils has hovered around 600, and there are about 45 teachers.
We also operate a dining hall which turns out about 500 lunches per day.
The school complex includes a very modern sport area built also from European grant: athletics track, a basketball court with an artificial surface and, since the end of 2005, a skateboard ramp etc. At the front of the school is a large park with climbing frames and swings, which is open to everyone in Rudná. An orchard can be found at the back of the school complex. In the north, the school is separated from an adjacent road by a pleasant strip of greenery with tall trees.
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